
作者: [美] 沙利文 / [美] 戈尔 / [美] 斯图尔特
出版社: 东南大学出版社
出版年: 2010-1
页数: 670
定价: 88.00元
ISBN: 9787564119256

内容简介  · · · · · ·

《真实世界的Haskell(影印版)》内容简介:Haskell is most likely quite different from any language you've ever used before. Compared to the usual set of concepts in a programmer's mental toolbox, functional programming offers us a profoundly different way to think about software.

In Haskell, we deemphasize code that modifies data. Instead, we focus on functions that take immutable values as inpu...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Bryan O'Sullivan is an Irish hacker and writer who likes distributed systems, open source software, and programming languages. He was a member of the initial design team for the Jini network service architecture (subsequently open sourced as Apache River). He has made significant contributions to, and written a book about, the popular Mercurial revision control system. He lives...

目录  · · · · · ·

Preface 1. Getting Started 2. Types and Functions3. Defining Types, Streamlining Functions4. Functional Programming5. Writing a Library: Working with JSON Data 6. Using Typeclasses 7. I/O 8. Efficient File Processing, Regular Expressions, and Filename Matching 9. I/O Case Study: A Library for Searching the Filesystem 10. Code Case Study: Parsing a Binary Data Format 11. Testing and Quality Assurance 12. Barcode Recognition13. Data Structures 14. Monads 15. Programming with Monads 16. Using Parsec 17. Interfacing with C: The FFI 18. Monad Transformers19. Error Handling 20. Systems Programming in Haskell 21. Using Databases 22. Extended Example: Web Client Programming23. GUI Programming with gtk2hs24. Concurrent and Multicore Programming 25. Profiling and Optimization26. Advanced Library Design: Building a Bloom Filter27. Sockets and Syslog 28. Software Transactional Memory A. Installing GHC and Haskell LibrariesB. Characters, Strings, and Escaping RulesIndex

Preface 1. Getting Started 2. Types and Functions3. Defining Types, Streamlining Functions4. Functional Programming5. Writing a Library: Working with JSON Data 6. Using Typeclasses 7. I/O 8. Efficient File Processing, Regular Expressions, and Filename Matching 9. I/O Case Study: A Library for Searching the Filesystem 10. Code Case Study: Parsing a Binary Data Format 11. Testing and Quality Assurance 12. Barcode Recognition13. Data Structures 14. Monads 15. Programming with Monads 16. Using Parsec 17. Interfacing with C: The FFI 18. Monad Transformers19. Error Handling 20. Systems Programming in Haskell 21. Using Databases 22. Extended Example: Web Client Programming23. GUI Programming with gtk2hs24. Concurrent and Multicore Programming 25. Profiling and Optimization26. Advanced Library Design: Building a Bloom Filter27. Sockets and Syslog 28. Software Transactional Memory A. Installing GHC and Haskell LibrariesB. Characters, Strings, and Escaping RulesIndex
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