
作者: [英]威廉·亚历山大
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社
译者: 邱丽媛
出版年: 2016-6-30
页数: 272
定价: 128元
装帧: 平装
丛书: 西洋镜 - 寻找遗失在西方的中国史
ISBN: 9787568223232

内容简介  · · · · · ·


作者简介  · · · · · ·

威廉•亚历山大(William Alexander,1767~1816):生于英国肯特郡,1784年进入皇家美术学院绘画专业学习。1792年作为制图员,马戛尔尼使团画家托马斯•希基的助手访问了中国,创作大量的速写和水彩画。1794年回到伦敦后,亚历山大先是过了一段写生、以画会友的生活。1802年成为英国画家军事学院的教师。1808年任大英博物馆古文物部的助理馆员,直至去世。著有《中国的服装》(1805年)《中国人的服饰和习俗图鉴》(1815年)。



目录  · · · · · ·

002 一名王姓贵族军官的画像
Portrait of Van-za-zhin: a military mandarine(or nobleman)of China
004 乔姓大臣节日庆典像
Portrait of Chow-ta-zhin: in his dress of ceremony
006 身着官服的官员
Mandarin in his court dress
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002 一名王姓贵族军官的画像
Portrait of Van-za-zhin: a military mandarine(or nobleman)of China
004 乔姓大臣节日庆典像
Portrait of Chow-ta-zhin: in his dress of ceremony
006 身着官服的官员
Mandarin in his court dress
008 穿便服的官员
Mandarin in his common dress
010 乾隆皇帝
Kien Lung,the Emperor
012 专门为驻澳门大使服务的经销商
Portrait of the purveyor: for the embassy, while the embassador remained at Macao
014 官员的住所
The habitation of a mandarin
016 官员和仆人
A mandarin attended by a domestic
018 官员的侍者
Mandarin's page
020 官员的随从
Mandarin's officer
022 骑马的官仆
Mandarin's servant on horseback
024 王姓贵族军官的游船
The travelling barge of Van-za-zhin
026 下锚停泊在宁波河道上的三条船
Three vessels lying at anchor: in the River of Ning-po
028 驶过斜坡的小船
Front view of a boat: passing over an inclined plane or glacis
030 航行中的船只
A sea vessel under sail
032 官员的旅船
A mandarin's travelling boat
034 渔船
A fishing boat
036 战舰
A ship of war
038 商船
Portrait of a trading ship
040 穿过水闸的帆船
Vessels passing through a sluice
042 出海的帆船
Portraits of sea vessels: generally called junks
044 石舫
A stone building: in the form of a vessel
046 渔民一家在船上的快乐生活
A fisherman and his family: regaling in their boat
048 陈列兵器的架子
A stand of arms
050 中国步兵中的虎威之师
A Chinese soldier of infantry: or tiger of war
052 全副武装的士兵
Portrait of a soldier: in his full uniform
054 穿着常服的士兵
A soldier in his common dress
056 一群士兵
A group of soldiers
058 火绳枪兵勇
A soldier with his matchlock
061 手持火绳枪的舟山士兵
A soldier of Tchu-san
062 步兵
A soldier of infantry
064 弓箭队的掌旗官
An ensign of the bowmen
067 骑兵
A soldier of the cavalry mounted
068 旗手
A standard bearer
070 军事基地
A military station
072 杭州府附近的墓地
View of a burying-place: near Han-tcheou-fou
074 送葬队伍
A funeral procession
076 扫墓
Mourners at a tomb
078 苏州城附近的宝塔
A pagoda(or tower):near the city of Sou-tcheou
080 宝塔: 宗教信仰
A pagoda for religious worship
082 小神塔
A small idol temple
084 喇嘛或僧侣画像
Portrait of a lama or bonze
086 寺庙祭拜
A sacrifice at the temple
088 拜佛祭祀的年轻和尚
A young bonze sacrificing
090 和尚
A bonze
092 大运河旁用餐的纤夫
A group of trackers at dinner
095 一座城镇附近的船只
Vessels near a town
096 舟山港:定海的南门
South gate of the city of Ting-hai: in the harbor of Tchu-san
099 天津附近的城堡
View of a castle: near the city of Tien-sin
100 扬州一景
View at Yang-tcheou
102 苏州郊区的一座桥
View of a bridge: in the environs of the city of Sou-tcheou
104 牌楼
A pai-lou, or triumphal arch
107 天津为接待使馆人员而建造的临时建筑
A temporary building at Tien-sin
108 枷刑
Punishment of the cangue
110 杖笞
Punishment of the bastinado
113 官员查问犯人
Examination of a culprit
114 枷刑
Punishment of the cangue
116 箭刑
Punishment of the arrow
118 中国妇人和她的儿子, 旁边有仆人伺候
A Chinese lady and her son: attended by a servant
120 中国妇人和她的儿子
A lady and her Son
122 一群孩子
A group of children
124 仕女
A lady of rank
126 女佣和孩子
A nursery maid and children
128 掷骰子的农民和水手
A group of peasantry, watermen: playing with dice
130 中国赌博: 斗鹌鹑
Chinese gamblers: with fighting quails
133 中国人的画像: 推车人
A Chinese porter, of carrier
134 一群中国人——避雨图
A group of Chinese-habited for rainy weather
136 农夫一家人
A peasant with his wife and family
138 用于捕鱼的鸬鹚
The fishing cormorants
140 男仆
A man servant
142 拾粪的孩子
Children collecting manure
144 更夫
A watchman
146 商人
A tradesman
148 卖灯笼的商贩
A lantern seller
150 串乡的铁匠
A travelling smith
152 米贩子
A vender of rice
154 卖烟杆的小贩
A seller of Pipes
157 卖槟榔的小贩
A man selling betel
158 正在用算盘算账的商人
A tradesman reckoning on his swanpan
160 正在运货的搬运工
A porter carrying goods
163 绕纱线的妇女
Women winding cotton
164 船家女
A boat girl
166 船工
A waterman
168 马车和车夫
A horse and cart with the driver
170 轿夫
A sedan bearer
172 一顶寻常的轿子
A common sedan, or chair
175 轿夫
A chairman with sedan
176 流浪音乐家
An itinerant musician
178 正帮人洗头的理发师
Barbers shampooing
180 书商
A bookseller
182 卖食品的女人
A woman selling chow-chow
184 乞丐
A mendicant
186 中国戏剧演员
A Chinese of comedian
188 杂耍演员
A juggler
190 街头表演
A raree show
192 伶人
A female comedian
194 武生
A stage player
196 附录
The appendix
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作者: 箴言Yang


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