《The Fall of Constantinople 1453》电子书下载

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作者: Runciman, Steven
出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版年: 2012-3
页数: 270
定价: $ 19.20
装帧: Paperback
丛书: Canto Classics
ISBN: 9781107604698

内容简介  · · · · · ·

This classic account shows how the fall of Constantinople in May 1453, after a siege of several weeks, came as a bitter shock to Western Christendom. The city's plight had been neglected and negligible help was sent in this crisis. To the Turks, victory not only brought a new imperial capital, but guaranteed that their empire would last. To the Greeks, the conquest meant the en...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

作者:斯蒂文• 朗西曼(Sir James Cochran Stevenson Runciman CH,1903-2000),英国著名拜占庭史、中世纪史专家。他出生于贵族世家,精通多种语言(英语、拉丁语、希腊语、俄语、保加利亚语、阿拉伯语、波斯语、土耳其语、亚美尼亚语、 叙利亚语、希伯来语、格鲁吉亚语)。自剑桥三一学院毕业后,周游列国,于多所大学任教,尤其在拜占庭历史及十字军史方面颇有造诣。1965年,《1453——君士坦丁堡的陷落》一书由剑桥大学出版社出版后,迅速成为该领域经典之作,近半世纪以来,备受推崇,至2008年,原版已重印十八次。生动谨严,繁姿庄重,并存一书。

目录  · · · · · ·

List of plates; List of figures; Preface; 1. The dying empire; 2. The rising sultanate; 3. The emperor and the sultan; 4. The price of Western aid; 5. Preparations for the siege; 6. The siege begins; 7. The loss of the Golden Horn; 8. Fading hope; 9. The last days of Byzantium; 10. The fall of Constantinople; 11. The fate of the vanquished; 12. Europe and the conqueror; 13. The survivors; Appendix I. Principal sources for a history of the fall of Constantinople; Appendix II. The churches of Constantinople after the conquest; Notes; Bibliography; Index.

List of plates; List of figures; Preface; 1. The dying empire; 2. The rising sultanate; 3. The emperor and the sultan; 4. The price of Western aid; 5. Preparations for the siege; 6. The siege begins; 7. The loss of the Golden Horn; 8. Fading hope; 9. The last days of Byzantium; 10. The fall of Constantinople; 11. The fate of the vanquished; 12. Europe and the conqueror; 13. The survivors; Appendix I. Principal sources for a history of the fall of Constantinople; Appendix II. The churches of Constantinople after the conquest; Notes; Bibliography; Index.
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